Image taken by George Muha, Morris Sussex Sports Weighing in at 205 pounds, Anthony Bacigalupo dominates his competitors as an offensive fullback and a defensive middle linebacker. Bacigalupo, a Junior at Jefferson Township High School and a player on the Jefferson Falcons Varsity football team, is determined to destroy his opponents this 2020-2021 football season and leave victorious after every matchup. As in Coach Venturio’s words, Bacigalupo shouts before every game, “Win the day!” To prepare for the highly-anticipated football season, Bacigalupo has trained and stayed fit through Coach Venturio’s workout routine and has watched film from last year every day during summer. “We have been hitting a lot of heavy bags, running sprints everyday, going over plays, all that,” Bacigalupo says. Based off of last year's games, the hardest team to defeat th...
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