Image taken by George Muha, Morris Sussex Sports

     Weighing in at 205 pounds, Anthony Bacigalupo dominates his competitors as an offensive fullback and a defensive middle linebacker.  

     Bacigalupo, a Junior at Jefferson Township High School and a player on the Jefferson Falcons Varsity football team, is determined to destroy his opponents this 2020-2021 football season and leave victorious after every matchup. As in Coach Venturio’s words, Bacigalupo shouts before every game, “Win the day!”

     To prepare for the highly-anticipated football season, Bacigalupo has trained and stayed fit through Coach Venturio’s workout routine and has watched film from last year every day during summer. “We have been hitting a lot of heavy bags, running sprints everyday, going over plays, all that,” Bacigalupo says.

     Based off of last year's games, the hardest team to defeat this season will be Sparta. Sparta beat them 62-0 last year. “After they scored two touchdowns, we pretty much gave up. They just kept making big plays,” Bacigalupo says. The easiest team to defeat will be Vernon.  Jefferson didn’t let up any points against Vernon last year. “We beat Vernon last year 34-0. We will dominate them this year as well,” Bacigalupo says.

     COVID-19 has changed the way football is being played and regulated this year. Bacigalupo doesn’t like the new alterations that COVID-19 has brought upon the team. Bacigalupo says, “I think it’s changing the way we used to lift. We only use kettlebells outside to lift. We have to stagger ourselves and wear gators as a facemask on the sidelines. I think that it is risky to play, but not having football would just be crazy.”

     Bacigalupo presumes that his team will flourish and prevail this season as they have an easier schedule compared to last year’s schedule.

     Bacigalupo wants to come up big this year and hopefully fulfill his position on the defensive and offensive line. He is determined to succeed at all costs and won’t let anything get in the way of his team becoming Conference Champions. Bacigalupo says, “As in the illustrious words of Nelson Mandela, ‘I never lose. I either win or learn.’”


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