Niko Karamonal, a Sophomore at Jefferson Township highschool, is facing the hardships of virtual learning both in school and outside while trying to cope with it. Like others, he is stuck at home with the responsibility of joining classes and learning necessary materials all through a screen.
Karamonal explains how the circumstances which we are learning under are not ideal and they are hard to get used to but they could be much worse. He says, “[virtual learning is] okay for the circumstances” given the learning conditions.
School has also heavily affected many students based on how they choose to cope with it. Karamanol says that this way of learning is “harder to grasp,” especially since he further explained that he is a hands-on learner as opposed to learning through a screen. Karamanol says that “maintaining determination is about perspective” - which is a mantra that is guiding him through this time while giving him strength to continue on his path of learning.
People through this time are scared and confused both in the setting of dance studios and school. Karamanol says that people in the studio are “scared and not ready for partnerwork.” Though, he explained that the studio is coping in ways that are different from others since they are going back but Karamanol then explains that they are not dancing with masks on but all of the doors are open, increasing the air flow.
Though these circumstances have contributed to a time where the world is scared and confused, Karamanol has maintained a mindset that allows him to find the best in it and grasp the problems at hand. Being a Sophomore, and knowing the ropes of the school has increased the steaks this school year which will be hard to achieve, but possible.
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